How do we grow our food?

How do we grow our food?

Modern farming techniques

EcoGro Farm use modern improvements on ancient farming practices. There were oringianlly found in places like the Gardens of Babylon and South American Chinampas.

Water travels around our growing system from a series of pipes, where plants are floated on rafts in 20cm deep water beds. The plant roots grow through special holes into the water, the water is enriched with natural nutrients. As the water flows beneath the rafts refreshing oxygen and nutrients the plants absorb these nutrients allowing them to grow strong and healthy.

No way out

Our closed loop growing system (water cannot escape) mimics a natural river system. Moving water is fresh and carry’s vital plant growing resource like magnesium, phosphorus, and nitrates. These are some of the simple but vital characteristics of our system.


Keeping with the flow

With the consistent movement of the water and renewal of nutrients providing the plants with optimal conditions for growth. This continual supply means they can grow by up 30% faster, helping us to grow more in a smaller space.

Our focus on sustainabilty and quality of our product sets us apart from others. Have a look at our selction of produce boxes here.

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